Weekly Announcements – 10/20/2024
12 Weeks Before Christmas Food Drive – We’re going to fill our Food Pantry one week at a time for twelve weeks. There is a list of food items to donate beginning October 6th through December 22nd. Thank you for your participation.
IGNITE Youth – The teens meet on Sunday evenings from 5:00-6:30 pm. They begin with food, then fun, and then a time in worship and a relevant message. Parents, thanks for our prayers, support, and effort in getting your kids here on Sunday nights. There is a sign-up sheet at the Info Counter if you could volunteer to provide the meal some Sunday evenings for our teens. Thanks
Women’s Support Group – This group will meet the 1st Sunday of each month before church as a support group. There are a lot of things in life we go through, and you are not alone. This will be a time of sharing, listening, encouraging, and guiding with God’s Word. For more info, see Marie Jensen or Julie Marley.
Monday Evening Prayer – Everyone is encouraged to join us. We have prayer on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at the church at 6:30 pm. I’m asking everyone that can, to join us for our hour of prayer for our church family.
Food Pantry – Our food pantry is open to our church family all the time and to the public the first Monday of each month. We’re in need of people to assist in preparing and/or helping distribute food boxes. If you have a need or know someone who might, please see Dave or Aileen Ellington or Pastor Jeff. Thank you for our prayers and support.
Church Calendar – Please check out our church website our download our church app (through Sharefaith) to view the church calendar for all upcoming events and details.
Life Groups @ The River – We have several groups that meet regularly in our church, and we will be adding more. We have ABLAZE 18-30, Consuming Fire 30-50, Souled Out 50ish and up, and our Men’s and Ladies that meet once a month for breakfast.
Trails of Treats, Sunday October 27th – Join us for our Trail of Treats from 5:00 – 6:30. We will need people to volunteer to work a table to hand out candy, and some to donate candy. There is a sign up sheet at the Info Counter.
Dates to remember:
- Oct 21 – Souled Out @ 6:30
- Oct 27 – Trail of Treat @ 5:00 @ ROLC